Activate membership plan to start learning.


Do I need to know HTML/CSS prior taking courses here?

Before joining

No, we teach NoCode solutions, which do not require any coding skills.

Which plan gives access to support?


You can use chat support starting from Basic plan. Pro plan will give you an option to book 1-on-1 video call mentoring with our instructor.

Is there a limit on number of questions I can ask?


No, you can ask questions as many times as you want.

What is subscription renewal schedule?


You can choose from monthly or annual subscription plan.

Can I ask question anytime or only within office hours?


You can ask questions in support chat anytime you want. We will answer it as soon as possible, but if it is outside of instructors' working hours it may take us some time to reply.

What is subscription renewal date?


Your subscription plan renewal date is the same day of the following month (or year if you are on annual plan). If you subscribe on December 14th your subscription will be renewed on January 14th.

How the learning process look like?


Our academy is mainly built around video lessons which are structured within courses. You can choose a course of your interest and start from watching lessons. On course pages we sometimes mention other courses and lessons recommended prior taking the course.

While learning with video lessons you can ask questions in support chat and on some plans book mentoring with instructors. If you still need help, feel free to write us in support chat.

Is it possible to learn remotely?

Before joining

Yes, all of our lessons and support are available online.

What payment methods do you accept?


In general we accept credit or debit cards, apple pay and google pay. Based on your country of residence and currency used at checkout there may be additional payments options available.

We use Stripe to accept and manage payments. You can refer to Stripe's documentation for further information.

I am a student, is it possible to learn here?

Before joining

Yes, students can also learn at our academy. If you are under 18 years old we advise you to discuss it with parents or other guardian of yours.

I'm busy with work, is it possible to learn in free time?

Before joining

Yes, you can learn asynchronously view video lessons and ask questions in support chat. Instructors will be answering as soon as possible, but don't worry if your learning time is not aligned with instructor's working hours. Your chat will be available untill the question is resolved and there is no time limit for that.


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